PrEP is highly effective for preventing HIV
PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is a medicine that can be taken as HIV prevention prior to exposure to the virus. PrEP medication is recommended for sexually active men who have sex with men and who have anal intercourse with multiple sex partners, and the condom is not always used. In Finland, PrEP treatment is now free of charge for customers who have access to Finnish public health care system.
Read more about PrEP
On Demand PrEP – Event Based Dosing
Taking PrEP only when you are at risk for getting HIV is known as ´on-demand´ PrEP. On-demand PrEP might be most appropriate for people who have less HIV-related risk situations and those with predictable sex lives and who are able to commit to medication on event basis.

PrEP is now free in Finland!
How to get PrEP treatment?
PrEP counseling, treatment and medicines are provided free of charge by the Finnish national health service for those who have access to Finnish health care system. There is not yet a solid practice for starting PrEP treatment in Finland. However, all health care districts have the capability to start PrEP medication.