Condyloma (HPV)

Page last reviewed 8.5.2023

Condyloma is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. It’s caused by some strains of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). It is spread through vaginal or anal intercourse, oral sex or by contaminated hands to genitals or anus.

What are the symptoms of condyloma?

  • Symptoms include genital warts in or around vulva, vagina, penis, urethra or anus. These warts can be flat and smooth or project out from the surface of the skin and have “cauliflower-like” texture. When in urethra condylomas can cause pain while urinating.
  • It is also possible that the infection doesn’t show any symptoms.

When and how should I get tested?

  • Condyloma is diagnosed by a health care professional visually or by biopsy.
  • If condyloma is found on the vulva, a pap smear test is also taken.

How can I protect myself and how is it treated?

  • There is no known cure for HPV. Most of the infections heal spontaneously without treatment in 2 years. Visible warts can be treated with medicinal creams or removed by a doctor.
  • There are vaccines for HPV, but not all of them can prevent condylomas. Condoms and dental dams can be used to reduce the transmission condyloma, but they don’t give a full protection.