
World AIDS Day 2020

a lot of hands holding together

World AIDS Day, declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1988, is celebrated every year on 1st of December. The aim of the global theme day is to raise awareness on HIV and AIDS and to promote HIV prevention and the rights of people living with HIV.

World AIDS Day 2020: Global solidarity, shared responsibility

In 2020, the world’s attention has been focused by the COVID-19 pandemic on health and how pandemics affect lives and livelihoods. COVID-19 is showing once again how health is interlinked with other critical issues, such as reducing inequality, human rights, gender equality, social protection and economic growth. This also applies to the global HIV pandemic.

UNAIDS, The Joint United Nations’ Programme on HIV/AIDS has declared the global theme of the World AIDS Day 2020 as “Global solidarity, shared responsibility”. UNAIDS states that global solidarity and shared responsibility requires the world to come together to ensure that:

  • Governments must find new ways to ensure that health care is fully funded.
  • Health systems are strengthened.
  • Access to life-saving medicines, vaccines and diagnostics is ensured to everyone.
  • Human rights are respected.
  • The gender equality is at the centre of all actions.

Read more about the World AIDS Day 2020 campaign of UNAIDS
Read more about the UNAIDS

Know the Facts about HIV campaign in Finland

This year the World AIDS Day committee in Finland has organized a campaign called Know the Facts About HIV (Tiedä faktat hivistä). The campaign challenges schools and teachers to update young people’s knowledge on HIV. Sharing information and having an open discussion will not only reduce the stigma and increase equality, but also promotes the sexual health of young people.

The World AIDS Day committee has published a new teaching material to help address HIV and sexual health issues easily and inspiringly in schools and in teaching.

Read more in Finnish www.maailmanaidspaiva.com

The World AIDS Day committee in Finland includes four non-governmental organizations: Hivpoint, HIV Finland, The Finnish Red Cross and Pro-tukipiste.

Hivpoint is offering a lot of information about HIV in English.

Read more about our HIV testing services as well as counselling services for people living with HIV.