
Introducing our services: adaptation training courses

Adaptation training courses are offered to people living with HIV and their families. The courses are meant for those who have been living with HIV for a long time and also for those who have just found out about their infection. Courses offer a meeting place for people living with HIV and their family members.

Adaptation training courses aim at supporting the well-being of people living with HIV. Courses provide a platform for peer and professional support. Work guided by professional, lectures, workshops and leisure activities can be part of the course. Course content can focus on themes such as living with HIV, sexual health, relationships, HIV & family planning, well-being and mental health and so forth. Adaptation training courses are organized over a few days and more specific course information is provided when sign up for courses begin.

Being able to discuss with peers and professionals can offer great support and guide in the processing of one’s own circumstances. Adaptation training courses offer guided and safe environments for sharing and strengthening ties with others living with HIV.

Here´s what the attendees from the courses have answered when we asked what was the most important you got from this camp:

”I got new friends!”

”Most important thing was sharing experiences with others”

”I got information about how to take my medication, what to eat and what to not eat”

Adaptation training courses are free of charge to Hivpoint customers, but an application to the course is required. Once applicants have been admitted to the course the sign up is binding. Read more about the courses from here!

No matter if you have been living with HIV for a long time or if you just found out about your infection, join our courses!

If you want to have more information about Hivpoint´s adaptation training courses, please contact the coordinators:
Batulo Essak, batulo.essak(at)hivpoint.fi, phone 040 778 986
Niina Laaksonen, niina.laaksonen(at)hivpoint.fi, phone 040 778 9881