Gonorrhea and syphilis infections are on the rise. In Finland, 500–600 gonorrhea infections are usually diagnosed annually, but last year (2022) nearly 1000 cases were detected. Thus, g...
Based on the results of surveys conducted in Hivpoint's Prevent– Test– Treat – Enjoy campaign in 2021 and 2022, some of the basics related to prep were well known: prep, when used corre...
HIV medication is called antiretroviral therapy or ART. It’s highly effective and keeps people living with HIV healthy and prevents HIV from transmitting. Usually, drug treatment of HIV...
In 2021, Hivpoint's Tracy development project conducted a survey for men who have sex with men. The survey examined how the tracing of STIs works in Finland and how the respondents woul...
A study led by Shuang Zhou, published this year (study not easily available, news of the study by Aidsmap is found here), found that cisgender women (those who identify with the gender ...
This text is a summary based on an article "PrEP increases sexual pleasure, intimacy, and closeness" by Andy Carstens, published on 11.3.2022 on the British AIDSMAP website by NAM. ...
Are you Hivpoint’s new Health Buddy? The Health Buddy program aims to find motivated and enthusiastic people to spread knowledge about sexual health, including HIV and sexually tr...
The goal of the Health Buddy program is to raise awareness of HIV and sexual health in communities that we, here at Hivpoint, are not currently reaching. Sexuality and sexual right...
Hivpoint rapid HIV testing and counselling services will be closed during Christmas break from 22nd of December 2022 After a Christmas break: Our counselling services will be ope...
The writer of this blog post is Hivpoint´s Health Buddy 2022. The Health Buddies are Hivpoint´s advocates who spread knowledge about sexual health, including HIV and sexually transmitte...
Organisations fighting against HIV emphasise that information about HIV and sexual health must be made available in a language understood by the person needing this information. The Fin...
Vaccinations for the second dose of the monkeypox vaccination will be by appointment at Hivpoint and Jätkäsaari vaccination point 5.12–22.12. Appointments will be available for booking ...