Location and accessibility

Page last reviewed 1.8.2023

Hivpoint’s office is located in Kalasatama. The address is Hermannin Rantatie 2 B, 00580 Helsinki.  

Physical accessibility 

Arriving at Hivpoint 

Hivpoint’s office is located in Kalasatama, about 150 meters from the Kalasatama metro station and the Redi shopping centre.  


The entrance is located along the Hermannin rantatie street. The front door is heavy and does not open automatically. There are nine steps from the front door to the office door. The width of the front door is 105 cm, and the threshold is about 2.5cm high. The width of the office door is 105 cm, and the threshold is about 0.5 cm high. The front door is open on weekdays between 7 am and 5 pm. At other times (or if you need a stair lift) there is a doorbell next to the front door at a height of 125 cm. The office door is light weight but does not open automatically.  

While HIV testing is open (see opening hours here), by ringing the doorbell on the lower door, Hivpoint staff will come to help with the stair lift. Please note that HIV testing without appointment takes place twice a week, otherwise the visits are by appointment. You can find the contact information of the employees HERE.  

Front door of Hivpoint's office at Hermannin rantatie 2 B, Helsinki.
The front door of Hivpoint’s office at Hermannin rantatie 2 B, Kalasatama Helsinki.
The doorbell at the front door of Hivpoint’s office.
From the front door there are nine steps to the Hivpoint's office door.
From the front door there are nine stairs to the entrance to Hivpoint . 

Stair lift

Hivpoint’s office can be accessed by a wheelchair with a stair lift. The use of a stair lift requires the help of staff. Next to the front door, on the right side, at a height of 125 cm, there is a doorbell, by using it Hivpoint’s staff will assist with the stair lift. The dimensions of the stair lift are 100 x 78 cm, the maximum weight is 225 kg and can accommodate one person. 

Hivpoint office stair lift.
Hivpoint office stair lift.  

Accessibility of customer premises 

The doors of our customer premises are 92 cm wide. The height of the threshold is 2.5 cm.  

Toilet accessibility 

The customer premises have two toilets, the larger of which has a doorway 90 cm wide and a threshold of up to 0.5 cm high. The sink of the toilet is at a height of 77 cm, the paper stand at a height of 110 cm and the coat rack at a height of 100 cm. There is only 78 cm of free space on the right side of the toilet seat. The second support handle has a toilet paper holder.  In the toilet, the maximum turning radius is about 100 cm.

Parking spaces and accessibility 

There are no parking spaces in the immediate vicinity of the Hivpoint office. In the Kalasatama area, there are streetside parking spots in the nearby blocks. Shopping center Redi has a large parking garage with 1-hour free parking. The parking fee for the excess time is 1.40 e / starting 30 minutes. With the “Taskuparkki” parking app, it is possible to activate the 2-hour free parking benefit. More information about Redi’s parking HERE 

There are accessible parking spaces in the Redi shopping centre on every parking floor near the elevator lobbies and at the eastern end of the nearby Kalasatama health centre  from Capellan puistotie street, which is about 300 meters away from Hivpoint. In Redi’s parking garage, the holder of a card for people that have reduced mobility can apply for  a 3-hour refund ticket from Redi’s Info on the K2 floor, or from Redi’s own information desk by the main doors on the first floor. 

Other information 

Hivpoint’s facilities do not have an induction loop. 

Assistance dogs are welcome.