Information for people living with HIV
Information about HIV for people who recently found out about their HIV infection, for people who have lived with HIV for a long time and for people living with HIV who are ageing.

People living with HIV can live a regular, fulfilling and happy life. Living with HIV does not stop you from working, studying or being socially active. HIV is not easily transmitted. You cannot pass on HIV in everyday situations. People living with HIV can date, get married and have children.
A diagnosed HIV infection is always a turning point in life. The first stage always involves a lot of questions, uncertainty and learning to live with a chronic disease. All people with the infection experience their disease differently. For some, the first phase and learning about one’s illness can be hard to accept, whereas someone else might find it relieving to get an affirmation for their suspicions and to receive good care. You can discuss all of these issues with us in Hivpoint. Contact us >>
Also your family members, partners and other people close to you can receive counselling and support from Hivpoint. Hivpoint’s counselling and support services are free and anonymous. You can reach us by phone helpline or chat counseling >>
If you have faced discrimination or inappropriate treatment because of HIV, you can get help and support to resolve the situation by contacting Batulo Essak at Hivpoint. Contact us >>
You can contact a patient ombudsperson from your own wellbeing services counties for advice if you have been mistreated because of hiv in healthcare or social welfare or if you want information about your rights.
Frequently asked questions about living with HIV
When you first find out about your HIV infection, you may have many questions.
Who should I disclose my HIV status? Am I going to live as long as everyone else? What can I do if I face discrimination? Can I still have sex?

HIV treatment
Is there a cure for HIV? What is HIV medication like? What means a long-acting injectable HIV treatment?

HIV and pregnancy
You can have healthy children even if you have HIV. When the mother takes her HIV medication, the child’s risk for HIV infection is less than 1%.

Ageing with HIV
How does HIV affect my ageing? Am I going to live as long as everyone else? What can I do to staying healthy?

Where do I get support?
It’s important that you are not left alone with your illness. We offer counselling and support services on all things concerning HIV for free. All services are anonymous and confidental. All of our staff are bound by confidentiality laws.
Positiiviset ry
HIV Finland (Positiiviset ry) also offers support services for people living with HIV. They offer peer support and counselling. You can join their peer group activities and courses, have a volunteer peer support person from them or have private counselling from their staff.