On Demand PrEP or Event Based Dosing

Page last reviewed 11.5.2023
The most common way to take PrEP is to take it daily, which means one pill taken at approximately the same time every day. On-demand PrEP using is shown to be highly effective for gay and bisexual men. PrEP on an event bases (on-demand) is currently only recommended for cis-men who have sex with men. This option might be most appropriate for people who have fewer HIV-related risk situations (analsex without condom) and those who have sex less than twice a week and those with predictable sex lives.
How to take PrEP on event basis?
On-demand PrEP is also known as event-based PrEP or PrEP 2-1-1. It involves taking two tablets 2 to 24 hours before engaging in sex, taking a single tablet 24 hours after the first two, and another tablet 24 hours after that.
In the case you continue having sex more than one session:
- Take two pills 2-24 hours before having sex
- Then continue taking one pill each day at approximately the same time
- Continue this until you have had 2 sex-free days.