
The new opening hours of Hivpoint´s counseling services

Hivpoint counselling services have new opening hours

Hivpoint´s counseling services have new opening hours: Phone counseling and chat are now open from Monday to Thursday!

Phone counseling

The phone counseling (+358 207 465 705) is open from Monday to Thursday from 9:30 am to 12 pm.

The calls are answered by employees of Hivpoint. You can call the helpline when you wish to receive support, guidance and counseling. You can discuss openly and confidentially about HIV risks and fears as well as other issues related to sexual health. You can also ask about the free of charge and anonymous HIV rapid test at any Hivpoint office.

Online chat

Online chat is open from Monday to Thursday from 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm. You can discuss openly and confidentially about HIV risks and fears as well as other issues related to sexual health. You can also ask about the free of charge and anonymous HIV rapid test at any Hivpoint office.