The number of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is rising. In 2022, a record number of gonorrhea, syphilis and HIV infections were diagnosed. The prevention, testing and treatment of STIs are now very topical.
Heteronormativity of health services weakenes the ability of sexual and gender minorities to take care of their sexual health. The normativity of services often makes for example sex between men invisible and may prevent access to necessary STI tests and taking care of one’s own sexual health.
Normative assumptions and discriminatory practices prevent the realisation of equality in health services. This must change!
During Pride Month, we want to remind everyone that they have the right to sexual health!
Sexual and gender minorities must receive the most suitable information on various methods of preventing STIs, testing and the treatment. Sexual health is everyone’s right. Sexual health includes the opportunity to take care of one’s own health, well-being and pleasure.
Hivpoint’s tips for joyful and rebellious sexual health promotion:
Check out the Prevent-Test-Treat-Enjoy campaign!
The campaign raises awareness of the prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) in sex between men. The campaign presents three key ways to help you take care of your sexual health and enjoy sex. Read more here >>
Get tested for HIV and learn more about the prevention of STIs at Helsinki Pride’s park party!
- Thursday 29.6. at 14–18 free HIV rapid testing at Hivpoint’s office
Anonymous and free HIV rapid testing at Hivpoint’s office in Kalasatama. The test result is available in 60 seconds. You can take the test without an appointment between 2 pm and 6 pm. There will be also information about STIs. A variety of condoms, lubricants and dental dams are available.
- On Friday 30.6. from 6 pm to 9 pm, free HIV rapid testing in a mobile unit in the Bear Picnic
Anonymous and free HIV rapid testing is carried out in a mobile unit next to the cliffs of Linnanmäki in connection with the Bear Picnic (Tivolitie). The car can be identified by Checkpoint signs. Testing is primarily aimed at gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men. The test result is available in 60 seconds. There will be also information about STIs and PrEP medication.
- Saturday 1.7. at 13–17 HIV rapid testing in connection with Helsinki Pride park picnic
Anonymous and free HIV rapid testing in the Helsinki Pride park in a mobile unit near Hivpoint’s tent. Testing is primarily aimed at gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men. The car can be identified by Checkpoint signs.
At the park picnic you will also find Hivpoint’s tent and condom bar, which offers a variety of condoms, lubricants and oral sex pads. Come update your knowledge of condom use!
- Free HIV rapid testing at a mobile unit in Helsinki on Sunday 2.7.
Anonymous and free rapid HIV testing is carried out in mobile unit. The result of the test is available in 60 seconds. The car can be identified by Checkpoint signs. Testing is primarily aimed at gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men. Click here for detailed mobile unit schedules and test locations >>