Chemsex during travel

Blue Night club lights and people dancing. Travel for Pleasure logo ahead.

Page last reviewed 30.8.2024

Chemsex is a culture of drug use and sex linked especially to men who have sex with men. In chemsex, drugs are used when having sex. The goal of using drugs can be to boost the pleasure of sex or to lengthen the duration of sex. Chemsex culture can be found in Finland but it is more common abroad, especially in larger cities.

Chemsex in different countries

Other countries have different cultures related to drug use than in Finland. The narcotics available may be different, there may be significantly more of them available, and the methods for their use may be different. Furthermore, communication between drug users and dealers varies by region and culture. Language barriers may also be an issue. 

Using, buying and/or selling drugs is illegal in nearly all countries and is associated with a strong stigma. Because of this, there is a lot of indirect communication related to drugs: for example, communicating with emojis or euphemisms is typical to these interactions. 

Especially for young and inexperienced travellers, it may come as a surprise how often drugs are being offered for free through dating apps, for example. By offering drugs, people try to attract young people in particular to sexual encounters and parties, and a free hit is a tactic to get people to buy more drugs. The interest and even pressure towards using drugs can surprise travellers who considered themselves to be non-users before their trip. 

When travelling, people usually prepare for various risks such as heat and traffic jams. It is best to also prepare for the local drug culture in the same way. Chemsex can be safer in many ways if you look up information about the culture around it at your travel destination.

Tips on harm reduction and safer use

  • It is best to consider your drug use in advance: where, when, what and how much to use? And with whom?
  • It’s important to consider your own limits in advance and ensure proper consent.
  • It is important to know the substances you use and their interactions.
  • Be careful with dosing and remember to use sterile equipment!
  • Condoms and dental dams protect against STIs.
  • Using lubricant in anal sex is vitally important – it protects the mucous membranes and increases pleasure.
  • When fisting, consider using gloves in addition to lubricants.
  • PrEP medication prevents HIV infections in intercourse without a condom.
  • Proper hydration, food and rest are important – make sure to reserve enough time for recovery.
  • Please note that tap water is not suitable for drinking, and hygiene can be different than in Finland.
  • In another country, communication may be more difficult than in Finland.
  • Make sure to also take care of your friends!
  • Remember to get tested for STIs regularly.